Study finds that highly potent cannabis may impair creativity among regular users
Findings suggest that cannabis with low potency does not have any impact on creativity, while highly potent cannabis actually impairs divergent thinking.
Effect of increased daily water intake in premenopausal women with recurrent urinary tract infections
Study indicates that women who experience recurring UTIs are 1/2 as likely to experience another infection if they add 1.5 liters of water to their daily intake over 12 months.
Cosmologists release deepest wide-field map of the 3D distribution of dark matter in the universe yet
The gravitational lensing effect from the distribution of dark matter in the Universe is quite weak, but results in small but measurable distortions in the images of the galaxies.
Songbirds' mutual courtship displays work in a broader social context than previously thought
Both sexes of a monogamous songbird species found to intensify singing and dancing during courtship performances while in the presence of an audience in order to advertise their mating status.
Cosmic rays emanating from the south polar ice cap could lead to new physics
Physicists discover neutrinos which challenges the Standard Model of particle physics by passing through Earth despite previously being thought too large to do so.