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world’s most compelling science,
as told by the researchers themselves.

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Science Writing as Storytelling (rebroadcast) with Ryan Kelly

What matters more in getting cited — what you say or how you say it? In this remastered and remixed version of our first episode of the show, we're...

Listen to the episode Science Writing as Storytelling (rebroadcast) – Ryan Kelly


Cold War Ice Core Reveals Historic Glacial Melt with Andrew Christ

How did a Cold War era debacle help us better understand the dangers of climate change? In episode 99 of Parsing Science, we talk with Drew Christ from the University of Vermont about his...

Listen to the episode Cold War Ice Core Reveals Historic Glacial Melt – Andrew Christ

DNA Evidence of Denisovan Interbreeding with João Teixeira

What can DNA tell us about the migration of the earliest modern humans and other hominins? In episode 98 of Parsing Science, we talk with João Teixeira from the University of Adelaide...

Listen to the episode DNA Evidence of Denisovan Interbreeding – João Teixeira

The Dyatlov Pass Incident with Alexander Puzrin

Can science help solve a real-life mystery? In episode 97 of Parsing Science, we talk with Alexander Puzrin from ETH Zurich about his research into The Dyatlov Pass incident, a 62-year-old...

Listen to the episode The Dyatlov Pass Incident – Alexander Puzrin

Monkey Business with Jean-Baptiste "JB" Leca

Do monkeys know how much fruit your sunglasses are worth? In episode 96 of Parsing Science, we talk with Jean-Baptiste "JB" Leca from the University of Lethbridge's Department of Psychology...

Listen to the episode Monkey Business – Jean-Baptiste “JB” Leca

Positively Negative with Shiri Melumad

How much can you trust people's retelling of information the've read? In episode 95, Shiri Melumad from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business discusses her research...

Listen to the episode Positively Negative – Shiri Melumad

How Mosquitoes Target Us with Zhilei Zhao & Lindy McBride

Why do mosquitoes prefer us over other animals? In episode 94, we talk with Zhilei Zhao and Lindy McBride from Princeton about their research into how mosquitoes that can carry dangerous...

Listen to the episode How Mosquitoes Target Us – Zhilei Zhao & Lindy McBride

Epistemic Puzzles in 'The Witness' with Luke Cuddy

What can a video game teach us about our epistemic philosophy? In episode 93, Luke Cuddy from Southwestern College’s philosophy program talks with us about the video game The Witness,...

Listen to the episode Epistemic Puzzles in ‘The Witness’ – Luke Cuddy

Unintended Consequences of Legal Reforms with Ángela Zorro Medina

What effect did copying the U.S.'s legal system have on Colombia's incarceration system? In episode 92, Ángela Zorro Medina from the University of Chicago discussed her research into...

Listen to the episode Unintended Consequences of Legal Reforms – Ángela Zorro Medina

Bots' Meddling in the 2020 Presidential Election with Emilio Ferrara

How are automated social media bots manipulating our political discourse? In episode 91, Emilio Ferrara from the University of Southern California discusses his research into bots' amplification...

Listen to the episode Bots’ Meddling in the 2020 Presidential Election – Emilio Ferrara


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Doug Leigh

Doug Leigh, Ph.D., is a Professor with Pepperdine University in Los Angeles. His research interests are psychometrics, machine learning, and science communication.
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Ryan Watkins

Ryan Watkins, Ph.D., is a Professor at George Washington University in Washington DC. His research interests are needs, needs assessments, instructional design, and human-technology collaboration.
Structural Racism & Police Shootings - Anita Knopov
Structural Racism & Police Shootings - Anita Knopov
Structural Racism & Police Shootings - Anita Knopov Structural Racism & Police Shootings - Anita Knopov
@rwatkins says:
Racism is an issue that touches all spheres of American life. lastly, Doug and I wanted to hear from Anita about her views on the challenges of discussing racism and gun violence in medical and public health contexts.
@rwatkins says:
For the fields of medicine and public health, the disproportionality of police violence against Black people is a relatively new topic of empirical research. and as communities across the US look to scientists to help find solutions to the problem, both disciplines have valuable perspectives and tools to bring to the table. We asked Anita to describe what she believes her research and that of others in medicine and public health might contribute to it's resolution.
@rwatkins says:
The National Medical Association is the largest and oldest nation-wide organization in the United States that represents African American physicians and their patients. We followed up by asking Anita what led her to seek publication in their medical journal.
@rwatkins says:
As Anita's study illustrates, scientific research regarding police violence can inform a number of important policy decisions at the local, state, and national levels. Ryan and I asked Anita what kinds of research her team will be up to next, and what sorts of studies they'd like to see other researchers take on.
@rwatkins says:
Implicit bias is the relatively unconscious and automatic aspects of people's latent prejudices and social behaviors. It can lead us to act in prejudiced ways without recognizing it, or realizing too late. while not a focus of their study, the results of Anita's research suggest some interesting connections with how implicit bias may come into play in police shootings of unarmed people, as she discusses next.
@rwatkins says:
Understanding why disproportionally more Black people are fatally shot by police has led to two predominant theories. In their study, Anita and HER team used their state-level data to examine both the "threat hypothesis" and the "community violence hypothesis," to determine if either is consistent with their findings. here, Anita describes both of these theories, as well as what evidence they found supporting each.
@rwatkins says:
Equally challenging as measuring structural racism is the task of accessing nation-wide data on fatal police shootings that's considered to be comprehensive, valid, and reliable. Anita discussed the options that she and her team considered before selecting the Mapping Police Violence dot com database as their source for police shooting data.
@rwatkins says:
State-level Structural racism ranged from 26 points to 75 points on their scale - about a 50 point range. Anita's research showed that police shootings of unarmed Black people in the most racist states were up to 125% more common than that in the least. In addition, the team found that each 10-point increase in a state's Economic Disparity and Employment Disparity, the ratio of police shooting deaths jumped 40% and 33%, respectively. Ryan and I wondered what surprised Anita most about these dramatic findings.
@rwatkins says:
People of color routinely face structural barriers when it comes to securing quality housing, healthcare, employment, and education. Due however to the many institutional policies and practices involved, measuring these barriers can be challenging. Anita next shared with us how her team went about creating a scale for determining the degree of structural racism at the state level.
@rwatkins says:
In the United States, fatal police shootings of unarmed victims have gained nation-wide attention, particularly since Michael Brown was shot by police in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 and the subsequent prominence of the Black Lives Matter movement. AS A a multi-disciplinary group of researchers, Anita and her colleagues' Work provides a unique perspective into this problem, so Ryan and I began by asking her to tell us more about what motivated the team to take on this complex and challenging issue.
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